使用Hugo创建静态网站「一」-- 介绍与安装

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目前这个博客就是用hugo生成的,它托管在github pages上,当然也可以放在任何其他空间或者云存储上。


hugo是一套用于发布静态页面的CMS系统,有点类似Movable Type


  1. 静态化


  2. 速度快


    1. 整站生成速度快: 之前用过mt,build文章简直是悲剧,跑几十分钟生成整站文章是很正常的事情,而使用hugo一个几百篇文章的网站生成只需要不到1秒。
    2. 网站访问速度快: 因为整站是静态的,所以不需要有动态脚本的执行,不需要访问数据库,速度基本上取决于带宽。
  3. Golang开发


    1. 只需要一个文件就可以在自己的电脑上运行了,并且垮平台,不管你是Linux、osx还是Windows都可以使用。
    2. go的模板很简单,学习成本低。
  4. 各种插件

    插件挺丰富,统计可以用google analytics,评论可以用官方支持的DISQUS,不过我换成了多说,可能国内用多说的人更多一些吧。



brew install hugo


go get github.com/spf13/hugo

安装完毕之后你可以执行hugo help可以看到命令列表

hugo help

A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with
love by spf13 and friends in Go.

Complete documentation is available at http://gohugo.io

  hugo [flags]
  hugo [command]

Available Commands: 
  server      Hugo runs its own webserver to render the files
  version     Print the version number of Hugo
  config      Print the site configuration
  check       Check content in the source directory
  benchmark   Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times
  new         Create new content for your site
  help        Help about any command

  -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg. http://spf13.com/
  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with datePublished in the future
  --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
  --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
  --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
  --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
  --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
  -h, --help=false: help for hugo
  --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
  --log=false: Enable Logging
  --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
  --noTimes=false: Don't sync modification time of files
  --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
  --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
  --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
  --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
  -w, --watch=false: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed

Use "hugo help [command]" for more information about a command.



Written by Ma siqi
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